Mintra puts through the idea to produce elegant products from recycled materials, using agricultural waste originated materials, without the need to cut trees.
To find a substitute for trees in the production of paper, Mintra has initiated in 2006 studies, which were to protect forests. As a result, the production of paper from the remains of sugarcane used in the production of sugar has began.
ECO% series was created to meet the needs of ecologically aware clients, who are not indifferent to the natural environment. The covers of notebooks and filing folders are made from 75% recycled materials. The paper is made from 80% sugarcane fiber. The included to the notebooks pen is made from 76% PLA – biodegradable plastic made from natural plant, not petroleum – and non-toxic soy and water based inks. Not even one tree was used in the production process.
PLA – plant originated plastic, made from sugarcane fiber and other starch containing cultivations. Naturally transparent is easily tinged into different colours. PLA products fully decompose in the temperature 50 – 60°C, at the humidity rate 80 – 90% within 60 – 90 days.
Lately Mintra added to the offer a series of products made with the thought of the planet’s thermal equilibrium change and greenhouse effect caused by pollution emited into the atmosphere. The Orange Wave series notebook and folder covers are made from 100% recycled polypropylene.